Are you thinking about competitive swimming? Here are two important questions you can ask to determine whether your child is ready for the WSY competitive swimming program. Keep in mind competitive swimming is like any other skill: if you don’t use it, you start to lose it. School teachers start every year with a review of skills learned the previous year for a reason. Just because your child demonstrated perfect freestyle at the end of last summer does not mean that they remember one year later.

1) Meeting the Pre Requisites – If you are looking to have your child start in a “pathway” to be part of a competitive swimming program – Are you in an advanced level of swim lessons? If the answer is “yes”, you will need to begin in our WSY Pathway Programs which include August Evaluation Clinics, Pre Competitive Swimming (September and January), Stroke Clinics (April|May), and Ducks Summer League swimming (June| July). After a swimmer completes 2 or 3 steps in our pathway programs, they will be eligible to move to our WSY Competitive Team. Keep in mind, if your child can not make it one length of the pool without stopping, they will need to remain in swim lessons before they register for any of our WSY Pathway Programs

2) Are you looking for a sport or an activity? This is an important question to ask yourself. If you are looking for an “activity” for your child, we will place your child in our pre competitive practice groups where they do not compete during the academic year and in the Summer will only compete as part of our Ducks Summer League swimming team. If you are looking for a “sport“, your child will be part of our competitive team (after completing the pathway programs) and will be expected to race in at least one swim meet per month during the academic year as well as championship meets at the end of the year (March)

If you can answer the two questions above, the next step is to fill out our New Swimmer Inquiry Form